About Us

We chose our store name with great intention and it guides us with laser-like precision in all we do. Our name holds several meanings for us. If you go by the dictionary definition, an “honest living” means to earn a fair wage for hard work done with a sincere attitude. We also like to think of “honest living” as living your true values. For us, that includes mindful and responsible sourcing when we work with artisans, small businesses and large suppliers from all around the world, many of whom have programs that support environmental efforts, community building and opportunities for women.

We believe living authentically entails selecting items with great care. As such, we only bring in items we would want in our own homes for years to come—pieces that tell a story, promote sustainable living, and evoke simple and quiet luxury. Home should be a space where you feel your best, where you feel warm, welcomed and comforted. We want to help you create an uplifting haven that absolutely reflects your personality and makes you thrilled to have friends and loved ones over.

Yes, we sell home goods, but we want to sell a broader vision. In a world that’s very much obsessed with everything shiny and new, we’d like to offer a different perspective—one that values timelessness, earned character, longevity, craftsmanship and sustainability. We don’t like the idea of anything going to waste and love a good mix of old and new for the soul and personality it adds to a space. You’ll find us repurposing vases to hold painting supplies and cooking tools or clipping weeds for arrangements because we love their wild beauty. After all, design is a language and it can be spoken so many different ways. Our international background and lived experiences across different countries have translated into globally sourced finds that tell a compelling story. Come visit us and see what speaks to you.

Our Founder (Yuen Yi Ying)

From an early age, I’ve always known that I wanted to write. A journalism career covering everything from beauty to nutrition and fashion finally led to writing about interiors, a topic that taps into one of my greatest passions. After years of helming one of Singapore’s top interior design magazines, SquareRooms, the perfect opportunity to start a business came up. It was an easy decision to “put my money where my mouth is,” so to speak, and I wanted to share all the wonderful finds I’ve come across over the years and translate the ideas I’ve been sharing with readers into a physical space. How do you recreate the stylish homes you see online and in magazines while making them practical and fun for real life? Our mission is to help you make it easy to achieve a home that best suits your aesthetic and lifestyle.

Our Store

Our store is housed in a 100-year-old kominka (traditional Japanese home) designed by our grandfather when he was just 24 years old. We’ve kept most of the house as is to showcase its unique aspects such as the lofty kitchen which keeps the cooking space well-ventilated as well as the coffered wood ceilings and original windows. We’ve even kept markings left by previous tenants as a tribute to lives lived within these walls.